Eye Strain, Why We Should Care, and What to Do About it?

Computer Eye Strain and Daily, Digital Device Use

  Eye Strain, according to definition posed by the Mayo Clinic, is a common condition that occurs when your eyes get tired from intense use, such as while driving long distances or staring at computer screens and other digital devices.
  Eye strain signs and symptoms include sore, tired, burning or itching , watery or dry eyes, blurred or double vision, headache, sore neck, shoulders or back, Increased sensitivity to light, difficulty concentrating, and feeling that you cannot keep your eyes open.
  From cross-referencing several article on surveys conducted on the amount of time the average American spends on their devices, the results ranged from just under three hours to five hours daily. What is more astonishing is how much time our kids spend taking in digital media. According to another survey by Common Sense Media in 2017, young children under the age of eight are now spending about two hours and twenty minutes per day staring at mobile devices. That is staggering amount of our time daily spent staring at screens!
  Of course, we use our smartphones, and computers in just about every aspect in our life now from our work, navigating, shopping, paying bills, and social media. screen eye strain

The Good News, The Bad News, and the Solution

  While there are many articles and publications these days about the dangers of eye strain. the good news is that the majority of articles about the dangers of long-term effects are exaggerated. and most eye care professionals conclude that eye strain is a temporary condition that can be relieved by resting our eyes. and reducing the amount of time we spend looking at our screens.
  Of course, as studies are continued in coming years, researchers may discover a different result.
  What is more difficult to measure are the consequences of eye strain on our quality of life. Using digital devices to some individual degree has become such a necessary part of our daily routine. With our health as the primary concern, we need to make sure to protect ourselves from fatigue, headaches, concentration problems, and loss of sleep. In this sense, preventing eye strain should be a primary concern and priority for all of us.
  There are several things we can do to limit the effects of eye strain such as giving our eyes a rest by looking away from our screens , spending more time outside in natural light, exercising our eyes by moving them rather than looking straight ahead, blinking more often, and adjusting our device’s brightness display and font size to name a few.

Why Everyone Needs Computer Glasses

  Perhaps the best thing we can do to limit eye strain is to use computer eyewear. Light bouncing off the glass of your digital screen can create a glaring obstacle to proper vision. Reflected light increases the differences between the lighter and darker areas of the screen, causing our pupils to dilate frequently, and struggle to keep up until eventually our eyes protest. Computer glasses feature a special coating designed to keep fatiguing screen glare at a minimum.
  Simvey’s Computer Glasses features anti-reflective coating (also called “AR coating” or “anti-glare coating”) which improves vision, and greatly reduces eye strain. These benefits are due to the ability of AR coating to virtually eliminate reflections from the front and back surfaces of your eyeglass lenses. Contact Simvey today to find out how a pair of their computer glasses can greatly reduce eye strain for you and your loved ones.

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